Dr. Ali Saalabian
Dr. Ali Saalabian is specialist for cosmetic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.
Focus areas
- Liposuction
- HD Body Contouring

Scientific publications
- Liebmann P., Deutinger M., Saalabian A.A. (2016)
“The fully rotated tensor fasciae latae perforator propeller flap in reconstruction of trochanteric pressure sores” Eur J Plast Surg. doi:10.1007/s00238-016-1209-3
- Jaehn, T., Kaiser A, Grüneis C, Saalabian A.A., Reichert B (2015) “Pseudolymphatic allergic immune reaction after tattooing” Handchir Mirkrochir Plast Chir 46 (6):379-382
- Saalabian, A.A., R.E. Horch, Bermel C.,Arkudas A., Kneser U (2015) “Re: Vascularization of the Dorsal Base of the Second Metacarpal Bone: Implications for a Reverse Second DMCA Flap” Plast Reconstr Surg 135(1): 232e
- Bermel, C.*, A. A. Saalabian*, R. E. Horch, A. Dorfler, C. Alexiou, S. Lyer, W. L. Neuhuber, A. Arkudas and U. Kneser (2014). "Vascularization of the dorsal base of the second metacarpal bone: an anatomical study using C-arm cone beam computed tomography." Plast Reconstr Surg 134(1): 72e-80e. (* = contributed equally)
- Muhldorfer-Fodor, M., B. Hohendorff, A. A. Saalabian, M. Hahne, J. van Schoonhoven and K. J. Prommersberger (2014). "[Median nerve neuropathy after perilunate dislocation injuries]." Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 46(3): 163-168.
- Stihsen, C., C. Rath, R. Radl, A. A. Saalabian, W. Materna, P. Rehak and R. Windhager (2013). "Early migration characteristics of a 180 degrees porous-coated cup with 1-mm press fit." Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 133(5): 707-712.
- Saalabian A., Deutinger M. „Die Gynäkomastie: operative Korrekturmöglichkeiten der Gynäkomastie“ JATROS - Dermatologie und Plastische Chirurgie (2013)
- Plainer, S., E. Wenzl, A. A. Saalabian, C. Wohlfart, B. Vidic, Y. El-Shabrawi and N. Ardjomand (2011). "Long-term follow-up with I-CARE phakic IOLs." Br J Ophthalmol 95(5): 710-714.
- Saalabian, A. A., F. Unglaub, R. E. Horch and U. Kneser (2012). "Free vascularized metacarpal bone graft combined with extended dorsal metacarpal artery flap for phalangeal bone and soft tissue loss: case report." Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 132(1): 137-140.
- Saalabian, A., J. Covi and R. E. Horch (2011). "A review on wound closure techiques." Journal of Wound Technology October 2011(No_14): 10-14.
- Saalabian, A., M. Rab, J. van Schoonhoven and K. J. Prommersberger (2009). "[Foucher's first dorsal metacarpal artery island flap]." Oper Orthop Traumatol 21(6): 614-619.
- Stephan, C., A. Saalabian, J. van Schoonhoven and K. J. Prommersberger (2008). "[Acute flexor tendon surgery]." Oper Orthop Traumatol 20(1): 44-54.
- Saalabian A., Vidic B., Fellner P., Ardjomand N. “Faltbare Phakic-IOL für die Korrektur hoher Myopie.“ Spektrum Augenheilkunde 2005; 19/2: 116